Monday 20 May 2013

java training in Chennai

Accord Info Matrix is a Chennai based Software Firm. Our main focus areas are Software Training and Software Development. Accord started with the ambitious aim of providing QUALITY training to Students and Corporate. We are integrated as an organization of talented trainers having extensive expertise in all facets of providing quality training.

Accord offers a wide range of JAVA training in Chennai to meet the growing corporate needs. At accord, we know individuals’ learning capabilities are different, that’s why we offer customized course for each student. The course materials and syllabus are prepared by trainers who have many years of experience in leading IT companies. We also provide placement assistance in leading companies.
We provide a good practical training and get trained as a java professional.

java training in Chennai

 Choose Accord for your JAVA/J2EE Training:

- Quality Training by Leading Professional working in MNC company
- Special Discount for students who are trained in Accord.
- Practical and real time Training.
- Flexible Timings.
- Job Assurance in leading companies.

Java is one of today’s most popular programming languages whose usage is multi-fold. At our Core Java training program, you’ll learn to design, write, compile, and run basic Java applications.
J2EE is an extension of the standard Java Edition (J2SE). The J2EE platform imparts an API and runtime environment for developing and running Java components that is exploited across a network and web based services

After getting trained at Accord Info Matrix Chennai you will be able to get vast experience by transforming your ideas into actual new application and software controls for the websites and the entire computing enterprise.
Java is one of the most popular programming languages used to create Web applications and platforms. It was designed for flexibility, allowing developers to write code that would run on any machine, regardless of architecture or platform. According to the Java home page, more than 1 billion computers and 3 billion mobile phones worldwide run Java.

We give Basic details of Java where you can value our institute. We provide materials for students where they can assist for placements.

Java is a programming language in the tradition of C and C++. As a result, if you have any experience with C or C++, you'll find yourself in familiar territory often as you learn the various features of Java.

However, Java differs from other programming languages in a couple of significant ways. The following sections describe the most important differences.
Platform independence

One of the main reasons Java is so popular is its platform independence, which means that Java programs can be run on many different types of computers. A Java program runs on any computer with a Java Runtime Environment, also known as a JRE, installed. A JRE is available for almost every type of computer — PCs running Windows, Macintosh computers, Unix or Linux computers, huge mainframe computers, and even cell phones.
Object orientation

Java is inherently object-oriented, which means that Java programs are made up of programming elements called objects. Simply put, an object is a programming entity that represents either some real-world object or an abstract concept.

All objects have two basic characteristics:

Objects have data, also known as state. For example, an object that represents a book has data such as the book's title, author, and publisher.

Objects also have behavior, which means that they can perform certain tasks. In Java, these tasks are called methods. For example, an object that represents a car might have methods such as start, stop, drive, or crash. Some methods simply allow you to access the object's data. For example, a book object might have a getTitle method that tells you the book's title.

Classes are closely related to objects. A class is the program code you write to create objects. The class describes the data and methods that define the object's state and behavior. Then, when the program executes, classes are used to create objects.

For example, suppose you're writing a payroll program. This program needs objects to represent the company's employees. So, the program includes a class (probably named Employee) that defines the data and methods for each Employee object. Then, when your program runs, it uses this class to create an object for each of your company's employees.
The Java API

java course in chennai

The Java language itself is very simple. However, Java comes with a library of classes that provide commonly used utility functions that most Java programs can't do without. This class library, called the Java API, is as much a part of Java as the language itself. In fact, the real challenge of learning how to use Java isn't learning the language; it's learning the API. The Java language has only 50 keywords, but the Java API has several thousand classes — with tens of thousands of methods you can use in your programs.

You don't have to learn anywhere near all of the Java API. Most programmers are fluent with only a small portion of it. If you need to use some class from the API that you aren't yet familiar with, you can look up what the class does in the Java API documentation.
We need students to get practical exposure than theoretical training. We make them a good professional by our training.

 We give 100% placements for students who complete training in our Accord Info matrix..

 Education is so valuable for students who complete their degree and waiting for an opportunity. We guide you in a right path where your destination will be so high . Take a good decision by joining in Accord and walk out with your offer letter.

java courses in chennai

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, awesome site. I thought the topics you posted on were very interesting.
    Java Course in Chennai
